Friday, May 28, 2010

Whats Been Going On this Spring

Kylene's Korner

Greetings from Koinonia Fellowship and Aalborg International Friends,

In this korner it is my desire to communicate with you what God is doing through the International ministries in our church. We are thankful for your support and prayers and want you to know how you can be praying for us. We would also like to say a thousand thanks to Birte & Ole, Alice&Verner,Asta&Kjeld, og Helle &Carsten for the lovely meals they have served us once a month. It is such a blessing to the students to receive a home cooked meal. And a wonderful time of fellowship for all of us. May the Lord richly bless you for your servants heart.

The past few months we have had some great opportunities to reach out and serve both International students and families in our community. In March we also welcomed Christiane Nielsen one of the ladies in our fellowship home from Africa. She has been serving the Masai people and counseling young women who have been abused. The Lord used her to bring the healing message of the Gospel to many.

We currently have two small groups that meet in our home on Wednesday evenings and Lee's home on Friday evenings. Lee has the privilege of meeting with a group of Chinese students who are not Christians but are very interested in knowing more about it. They are doing a type of Alpha course learning the basics of Christianity. They ask alot of good questions. Please pray that the Holy Spirit would show them their need for a Savior.

In our home we finished a study called Forgotten God by Francis Chan. This was a study on the power of the Holy Spirit. We were challenged to think about: Would our lives look different if we woke up without the Holy Spirit or would they be the same? Personally I was challenged by this question. God brought a situation into our lives where I experienced the supernatural peace of God. If I had trusted in myself I would have been worrying and trying to figure out a solution in my own strength. But all praise be to God, He by His grace gave me His peace instead. The power of the Holy Spirit is amazing. It is what makes us different. When friends asked how can I could have peace I was able to tell them that is was because of the power of the Holy Spirit.

We are currently doing a study called The Truth Project. Another challenging study that makes us ask ourselves hard questions. For example: What lies of the world's philosophy have I believed? What is Truth? Where does evil come from? Who is Man? Who is God? Its not always easy thinking about these questions but these are the questions that some people around us are asking. So how will we answer them? Do we have a biblical worldview or a worldview that has been influenced by our society and culture? Pray that we would not be afraid of asking ourselves the hard questions.

I have also had the blessing of meeting together with some international moms. A few months ago I felt that God wanted me to reach out to other international moms. So I made up some cards that are being given out to new international moms at the Patient Hotel and by some Sunhedsplejerske. We had our first event Moms and Muffins in April and will meet again in May and through the summer. Currently we have moms from New Zealand, China, Ghana, and USA. Danish moms are also always welcome!

Aalborg International Friends also hosted many sightseeing trips of the beautiful Danish nature this spring. And Lee took a group on his annual Spring European tour during Easter. These trips are always a great time for them to get to know each other and have some good conversations. We also had our Store Bededag/Kristians Birthday event where they we able to taste varm hvede and cut the head off the cake man. Coming up on June 5th we will celebrate Grundlovsdag together from kl.18-22 eating together and learning more about the Danish culture. Lee, Suzan and Marie also had the chance to travel to Israel for Ihab and Ingeborgs wedding. They had some lovely adventures seeing the Holy Lands.

On Sunday evenings we have been studying Proverbs. We have been challenged and encouraged by what it means to fear the Lord and seek God's wisdom. Please continue to pray that we would be able to find a consistent place to meet with handicap and child friendly facilities. You can also pray along with us for visas, marriages, students projects and that we would faithfully serve every person that we meet.

Thank you so much for your encouragement and support! To check out more go to: and